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Xu Weiwei

Assistant Professor




Weiwei XU, male, born in October 1988, Dezhou, Shandong province, assistant professor in Department of Sports Management of College of Humanities and Law.


Educational Background

2007.9—2011.7 Bachelor of Education, Wushu School, Beijing Sport University;

2011.9—2014.7 Master degree in Education from Graduate School of Beijing Sport University;

2015.9—2018.7 Doctor of Education from China Wushu School of Beijing Sport University.


Work Experience

2014.7—2016.9 Physical education teacher of Huilongguan No.2 Primary School, Changping District, Beijing;

2018.7—2020.12 postdoctoral, Department of Sports Management, College of Humanities and Law, Beijing University of Chemical Technology;

2020.12—now assistant professor, Department of Sports Management, College of Humanities and Law, Beijing University of Chemical Technology.



1. National-five section(athlete), WUSHU

2 National-level II (athlete), WUSHU ROUTINE

Ⅳ Academic Specialty

Theory and Practice of School Wushu Education

Sports and General Health


 Scientific Research Tasks

  1. 13th plan of Five-Year Task of Education Science of Beijing: Research on the Values’ Evolution in School Wushu Education and Realization Path of Values in the New Era Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China, Leader, Fund: 50,000 yuan, 2020.4-2023.4, Project No.: CICA2020103.

  2. Research Task of Beijing University of Chemical Technology: Study on The Effect of Tai Chi on Serum Lipoprotein Residues in the Elderly with Dyslipidemia, Leader, Fund: 30,000 yuan, 2019.2-2020.6, Project No.: ZY1928.

  3. Research Center about Government Digital Communication and Cultural Soft Power: Research on The Image Construction and Cultural Communication Path of Chinese Wushu in Internationale Exchange, Leader, Fund: 10,000 yuan, 2019.1-2020.12, Project No.: HS20190030.

  4. National Social Science Foundation: Research on The Cultural Exchange and Communication of Chinese Wushu under the Belt and Road Initiative, Third undertaker, 2020.5-2023.5.

  5. Nannbo (Beijing) Technology Co., LTD: Research on the Health Efficiency of Segway Balance Wheel Products, Main participant, 2019.10 -- 2020.12, Project No.: HS20190029.

  6. Academy of Chinese Wushu: Research on the Wushu Routine Competition Action Database of Construction and Application, Main participant, 2019.1-2020.2, Project No.: WSH2018A005.


    Scientific research achievements

    (a) Journal articles

  8. Weiwei XU, Shiying LI, Zefeng YIN, Ningning LIU. Development Problems and Path Selection of Wushu in Croatia[J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2018,41(03):139-145, CSSCI.

  9. Weiwei XU, Peng CHENG, Yanjun LI. Design and Implementation of Rehabilitation Training System Based on Kinect and Virtual Reality[J]. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University (Natural Science Edition),2018,49(04):619-622, Chinese Core Journal.

  10. Weiwei XU, Yingkui LI. The Values Evolution and Development Path of Taijiquan Curriculum in Colleges from China in the New Era[J]. Journal Sports Culture Guide,2018(07):112-116, Chinese Core Journal.

  11. Weiwei XU, Zizhuo WANG, Yue XI. Experimental Research on the Intervention of Physical Education and Health Education on College Students' Mental Health[J]. Frontiers in Sport Research,2020,2(1):1-7.

  12. Weiwei XU, Zizhuo WANG, Yue XI. Development Path of Traditional Wushu under the Belt and Road Initiative[J]. Regional Governance,2019,267(10):105-108.

  13. Shengbin TONG, Weiwei XU (Corresponding author). Research on The Management Reform of Registration in Traditional Wushu Competition [J]. Chinese Wushu Research,2018,11:49-53.

  14. Weiwei XU, Shengbin TONG. Research on the Physical Education Load of 3-4 Grade in A Primary School in Beijing [A]. 2015 10th National Sports Science Conference Abstract Compilation (III)[C]. China Sport Science Association,2015:2.

  15. Weiwei XU, Shengbin TONG. Research on The Elements of Choreography about Taiji ball Performance Routine [A]. 2015 10th National Sports Science Conference Abstract Compilation (III) [C]. China Sport Science Association,2015:3.

  16. Yue XI, Weiwei XU, Nan ZAHNG. A Transverse Historical Study on the Changes in the Mental Health of Left-behind Children in Rural Areas[J]. Psychological Technology and Application, 201,9(05):283-292.

    (b) Monographs

    1.Weiwei XU. Research on The Optimization of Taijiquan Curriculums System in China's Higher Physical Education Colleges[M]. Beijing: Beijing Sport University Press,2021.


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